#Twitterstorians: A List
(Note: I updated this list on September 28, 2015 to include more #twitterstorians who were left off of the original list) Back in 2007, Katrina Gulliver created the #twitterstorians hashtag. After I joined Twitter, I remember checking her blog regularly to see the growing list of historians on Twitter. With the explosion of users over the past several years, the ability to keep track of all the #twitterstorians has become impossible. There is no longer a running list. So, when new historians show up on Twitter, they have to figure out for themselves who they should follow. This is not necessarily a problem. With more individuals on Twitter, they have more people from whom to seek advice and more hashtags to help direct their focus (e.g. #publichistory, #histsci, #histmed, #dhist, #envhist, #digitalhistory). Plus, there's some really good guides and analysis to help newbies find their way.
Still, there is something really fantastic about a list to consult. So, I've decided to put one together. There is no way for me to make it comprehensive. Because of this, I decided to compile my list by metrics. Using the Brand24 package, I looked for #twitterstorians who were both active and whose posts reached a relatively large audience.
Here it is. I'm sure that I will trim it down before I expand my account's #twitterstorian list. I'd appreciate it if you would let me know if there are people whom I have overlooked.
- @_beneze_
- @_dbrh_
- @_John_Handel
- @_m_cartwright
- @_m_miles
- @_MattShaw
- @_paullay
- @_waterman
- @_zoethomas
- @1348ce
- @15MinuteHistory
- @1755Dictionary
- @17thcenturylady
- @18 Stafford Terrace, Linley
- @18_englishnovel
- @18common
- @18th Century History
- @1amsf
- @2nerdyhistgirls
- @4nationshistory
- @6Bacon
- @A_Kabaker
- @A_M_Holloway
- @a_mazzamauro
- @A-Faithful-Account-of-the-Race
- @AAHM_website
- @aasearle
- @ABMichaelsBooks
- @AbominableHMan
- @AbuseofPatience
- @AcademyJobs
- @ace_national
- @aciblogindex
- @acjenkin
- @aclerktherwas
- @ActiveHist
- @activehistory
- @ad_mico
- @Adam Matthew
- @adamarenson
- @AddictedToTweed
- @adelinekoh
- @AdeTinniswood
- @adevenney
- @admcgregor85
- @admturner
- @adrianajayers
- @adriandpetry
- @adrianmurdoch
- @ADZemanek
- @aeguerson
- @AFBurialGrndNPS
- @AFSJournal
- @AHAhistorians
- @AHtoopodcast
- @aidannorrie
- @aiesyabanana
- @AileenFyfe
- @Airminded
- @Aisenbrey2
- @AJWright31
- @AJWrightMLS
- @aklange1
- @albanymuskrat
- @alchemypodcast
- @aleiabrown
- @AlexiBaker
- @alexisjane95
- @ali_boyle
- @ALIA_AusLibJ
- @ALIANational
- @alix_green
- @AllenShotwell
- @allisonhorrocks
- @allofmilov
- @almay292
- @Almedin_Candic
- @Aluminiumville
- @AlxButterworth
- @am_lamont
- @Amanda_Vickery
- @AmandaClay
- @amandaeherbert
- @AmandaLittauer
- @AmandaMcVitty
- @amandashalaby
- @AmeliaTGrabow
- @AmericanAnthro
- @AmericanSciBlog
- @AmericanStudier
- @AmExperiencePBS
- @amhistorymuseum
- @AMHPodcast
- @AmistadResearch
- @AmorginaAnnie
- @AmreaderToo
- @amstott1789
- @amsw11
- @amwhisnant
- @amykohout
- @AnastasiaFB
- @andersen
- @andnowyoutellme
- @andreaeidinger
- @AndreaThomson26
- @Andrew_SV_Matth
- @AndrewAyton
- @andrewholt
- @andrewpk
- @AndrewRuis
- @andrewstuhl
- @angeldnieves
- @anichellemitch
- @AnnaCampbelloz
- @AnnaMaguire24
- @AnneBoleynFiles
- @anneburbage
- @AnneDance2
- @AnneJuClemence
- @annerhanley
- @annisairi
- @AnnLoveridge
- @AnthonyJClark
- @AntiquatedMeds
- @AoibheannNiD
- @apollo_magazine
- @appendixjournal
- @ArabHstorian
- @archaeology
- @archaeologynews
- @ArchAHeritage
- @archiveslive
- @ArchivistJessC
- @archivists_org
- @arifried
- @arissaoh
- @ArmoniaCeleste
- @Artco77
- @ArtHistoryYork
- @artiflection
- @ArtOfScar
- @ashkaytay
- @AshmoleanMuseum
- @AShorterHistory
- @aspencerhall
- @astroglitter
- @AuburnU
- @aucklandcastle
- @austenforever
- @austenonly
- @Austenprose
- @AustHistAssoc
- @AuthorMaca
- @awatson8381
- @AzizDayang
- @b_hawk
- @b_rusert
- @babciapat
- @babette_babich
- @barker_history
- @BathPresTrust
- @bathswashhouses
- @BatizLazo
- @BBC
- @BBCArchive
- @BCechoes
- @bclelandgt
- @BCtoDCEagle
- @Beamish_Museum
- @beastruz
- @beccasams
- @Beckalex
- @beckyfh
- @beingahistorian
- @BeingHumanFest
- @belgrade18
- @BellesInBlue
- @bellhistory
- @Ben_Alpers
- @benjamin__bland
- @benwritesthings
- @BerksConference
- @bethanyjdickens
- @BettyMedsger
- @BewickSociety
- @BFanstone
- @BHaughwout
- @bhgross144
- @BHSMrPounds
- @Biblio_Emporium
- @BibliOdyssey
- @BigHistoryPro
- @BikePGH
- @BioDivLibrary
- @BirkbeckC19
- @Bl_labs
- @blackjen1
- @blacksquarebrig
- @BM_AG
- @BNArchive
- @BNC_Members
- @Boaz_Schuman
- @bob_maclean
- @bobby_griffith
- @bobbyatbath
- @BodiesAcademia
- @bodleianlibs
- @book_learning
- @BoomCalifornia
- @BorderlandsHist
- @Boston1775
- @BostonCollege
- @botasdezidane
- @Bowles1A
- @bplmaps
- @BrandeisU
- @Breaking Dublin News
- @BrendanLarvor
- @BrentSirota
- @BrianBriwref
- @brianleechphd
- @BrianMacDowall
- @briansarnacki
- @bridgebot
- @bridget_heal
- @British History Tours
- @BritishLibrary
- @britishmuseum
- @britishscholar
- @BritSportHisSoc
- @Brown
- @BSECS_Criticks
- @bsecspg
- @BSHSNews
- @BSHSOutreach
- @BtwntheWaters
- @buildingsgirl
- @Burrite
- @buzzkillprof
- @bvcutting
- @c_katsari
- @c_perry
- @C16history
- @caffeinejunky
- @calhistorian
- @CambridgeHPS
- @CamDigLib
- @CamHistory
- @canadasbacon
- @candace_nast
- @cap_and_gown
- @CapitolClio
- @CaraCaddoo
- @CarlaNappi
- @Carleton_U
- @carlosalemanjr
- @carlyleletters
- @carol1ne_louise
- @CarolineGrego88
- @CarolineLD
- @CarolineMcGee
- @carolinepennock
- @carolJhedges
- @Carolyngian
- @caseybergman
- @Cat_S_Beck
- @CatApocalypse
- @catbateson
- @Catherine Curzon (Madame Gi...
- @CatherineDelors
- @cathfeely
- @CatholicRS
- @CathrynPearce
- @cathy_shrank
- @CathyBramley
- @cbhallgardens
- @CD_HistoryBlog
- @cdc29
- @CEH_archives
- @CelesteRegal
- @cemathieson
- @CEMSexeter
- @CEnglishmen
- @CesqueHC
- @cfminty
- @CGHH_York
- @cgsloan
- @CharlotteFrost1
- @ChatsworthHouse
- @ChawtonHouse
- @Chelsea_Denault
- @Cheryl_Now
- @ChetDeFonso
- @chfloudas_GR
- @chickhistory
- @chiggi
- @ChittyInHistory
- @chnm
- @CHOMIreland
- @Chris_Bberg
- @Chris_Bishop
- @chris_m_123
- @ChrisMagra
- @ChristineARizzi
- @christineegriff
- @ChrisVVarren
- @chronicle
- @churchillonline
- @CIConservancy
- @CigiWarpurrTG
- @cimuir
- @CircleReader
- @citiesinhistory
- @Claire_L_Jones
- @clarabyrd4
- @ClareGS87
- @ClassRes
- @ClaudineMoulin
- @claytonhanson
- @ClimateHist
- @ClineCohenP
- @Cliopticon
- @cliotropic
- @clioweb
- @Cloudhopper9
- @CMH_London
- @CmmnSnseCookies
- @cnewf
- @CNMBrandon
- @cofktweets
- @ColdWarHist)
- @ColdWarScience
- @ColeZoology
- @CollinsMRC
- @ColonialWmsburg
- @Columbia
- @ComedyActivism
- @ConfluenceJCSHS
- @connecthistory
- @conversiontales
- @coreen_anne
- @cosgrove_s
- @cosmos4u
- @CourtneyMedea
- @Cozzolani
- @CPH_Naz
- @CPPHistMedLib
- @Crafthole
- @criminalhistorian
- @cristcarolyn
- @crowht
- @CSISlavery
- @CSpringerCowden
- @CTHumanities
- @CTrevien
- @CultSocHistory
- @CulturaFonds
- @CulturalHistory
- @CUNY Academic Commons
- @CuratingCamille
- @curiousifee
- @cynocephale
- @czc0045
- @D_OReagan
- @DagomarDegroot
- @DaintyBallerina
- @dajohnsonii
- @dalyhistory
- @DanAllosso
- @DanaMcFarland
- @danekkennedy
- @danfalk
- @DanGorman2
- @DanHull
- @daniel_kurz
- @danielwyche
- @Dannj2
- @Danny__Mac__
- @danowenspence
- @danroyles
- @DarkandWondrous
- @darwinsbulldog
- @DashaDasha
- @dashdown85
- @DaveCBeck
- @DavidDean2010
- @DavidRArmitage
- @DavidUnderdown9
- @davidwjgill
- @dbsantiuste
- @DColourLine
- @DDMeringolo
- @DebHarkness
- @DeborahACohen
- @DebsEThorpe
- @DEJohnson18
- @delcatto
- @DerekJohnBryant
- @derrynairn
- @derwenfawr
- @DetroittoAccra
- @devinmzt
- @dhaodiorne
- @dhayton
- @dhlbrown
- @Diane_Watt
- @dicksnensian
- @dienstmann75
- @digihistorylab
- @DigitalHistUMBC
- @DigitalMitford
- @DigitizeNYC
- @digtrade
- @dillingham_a
- @DisIndSoc
- @Div26HOP
- @dixza
- @djgonzoPhD
- @dlondongc
- @DM_Vincenzo
- @dmcconeghy
- @dnyandeo11
- @doctorchlod
- @DoctorSyntax
- @DoctorTonks
- @Dodis
- @DohertyTA
- @DollyJorgensen
- @doughink
- @douglasaboyd
- @douglasboin
- @dougseefeldt
- @dowling_abby
- @dr_hick
- @Dr_Reba
- @Drakenlordh
- @dralexgoodall
- @DrAlun
- @DrAmandaForeman
- @DrBeachcombing
- @drdanielcook
- @DrDavidMT
- @DreadDiseases
- @DrEmmaVickers
- @DrFelixRoesch
- @DrFrond
- @DrGtrombone
- @DrJennieJordan
- @drjohnsonshouse
- @DrJSchramm
- @DrJulieMcIntyre
- @drkknits
- @DrKosc
- @DrLindaBriggs
- @DrLindseyFitz
- @DrLivGibbs
- @DrM_Azzolini
- @DrNick1983
- @DrSamForman
- @drseannyfever
- @DrSKBarker
- @DuBoisReview
- @dulcivivens
- @DupreSven
- @durham_history
- @dvarimbealma
- @dvlagovuk
- @DWBradbridge
- @eajournal
- @Ealganora
- @eanita
- @EarlyAmWomen
- @earlycanada
- @earlymodernpost
- @easprem
- @ebalexan
- @ebe18c
- @ECFjournal
- @Ecolmel
- @ed_podesta
- @EdgeHist
- @edhistories
- @EDU_video
- @Educations Histories
- @EdwardFrantz
- @EdwiredMills
- @eenayray
- @EganHistory
- @EHChalus
- @EHESS_fr
- @EJBrand
- @ejlp
- @ekleinberg
- @EKOsborneMartin
- @el231958
- @elementaladam
- @elinatelove
- @elipousson
- @Elizamcoffey
- @ellendwu
- @embryoproject
- @EmCharBar
- @emilieKMmurphy
- @Emily_Baughan
- @EmilySenefeld
- @EMKInstitute
- @Emma_Shepley
- @emmahistorian
- @EmmanuelHogg
- @EmmaVintages
- @EModForum
- @emotionshistory
- @empiretreesclim
- @EMREM_Forum
- @EnergyHistorian
- @EQCentre
- @erfagen
- @erik_kwakkel
- @erincbernard
- @erinsco
- @ErstwhileBlog
- @ESciHist
- @esehtweets
- @essiefox
- @EugeneLang
- @EuropeanUni
- @EvaJohannaH
- @EvaStachniak
- @Ex_Historia
- @exclaimdotca
- @executedtoday
- @ExeterCIGH
- @ExileonWainSt
- @eyeona
- @EZuelow
- @faceoftheearth
- @fairfax_house
- @familysleuth
- @FamilyTreeUK
- @fargodurba
- @FehigeToronto
- @felixexplody
- @FernRiddell
- @FerryGouwens
- @FHSO_Webmaster
- @filamo
- @finnarne
- @FionaSkillen
- @firkon
- @FIU
- @FM104
- @FolgerLibrary
- @FolgerResearch
- @ForbidHistories
- @FossilHistory
- @foundhistory
- @FoundlingMuseum
- @FraminghamU
- @Frances_Roberta
- @frankaoreb
- @frankendodo
- @franniepan
- @FraserRaeburn
- @FrenchHistoryUK
- @fresheyre2015
- @FrHistNwk
- @Friends of Schoharie Crossing
- @friendsofdarwin
- @FrischPlan
- @froginawellnet
- @futurowoman
- @FWWSoc
- @FXMC1957
- @fyfoundation
- @g_threadgold
- @GabrieleNeher
- @GailPennington
- @Gallacticos87
- @GarrisonTowns
- @gasabe
- @gasnettv
- @gauthamrao
- @gcgosling
- @GeekyInLousiana
- @gem3wood
- @GemmaHist
- @generosoc1
- @genezubovich
- @GentlemanSykes
- @gentryhanks
- @geoffmartello
- @georgian_glass
- @GeorgianGent
- @GhostlyAspects
- @GigiVernon
- @Gilder_Lehrman
- @GillHoffs
- @GilliThorne
- @GisellemRoberts
- @GisellePrt
- @glass_bryan
- @Gleb_Tsipursky
- @GlennIceton
- @globalhistorian
- @googletricks19
- @gordonbelt
- @gordonchls
- @gorshell
- @graceleesmaffei
- @GradHistXchange
- @GrayGray83
- @GRCollia
- @greg_jenner
- @gregg_sh
- @gregshine
- @Grrl_Herstorian
- @grumpyhistorian
- @gsoh31
- @guajeingles
- @guardian/@timeshighered
- @guengaea
- @GWBooks
- @H_Cross_21
- @H_Kaznowska
- @HAHP_Sussex
- @HakluytSociety
- @halbion
- @HallieRubenhold
- @hallnjean
- @Han_Woodward
- @hanarchovist
- @HannahJane85
- @hannahrosewoods
- @Hannelore_Slgs
- @HantsArchives
- @Happy_Historian
- @harbottlestores
- @harleyshayner
- @HarrietLyon
- @HartmanAndrew
- @HartwickCollege
- @Harvard
- @Harvard_History
- @HarvardHistMed
- @HarvardSocStds
- @haselbysam
- @HASlavery
- @HaywardCL
- @hazelheritage
- @HBCallaway
- @HC_Richardson
- @hckGGREN
- @HCollegium
- @HE_Archaeology
- @Heather1576
- @HeccyBen
- @hedgerows
- @Heidentweet
- @heidiknoblauch
- @helen189
- @HelenaToth9
- @helenheller
- @helenrogers19c
- @henrycowles
- @HenryRussell1
- @herberthistory
- @herdado
- @herdingbats
- @HeritageScience
- @hewasahero
- @HFoxhallForbes
- @HGermantweets
- @hild_de
- @hist_enthusiast
- @histassoc
- @HistEdSocUK
- @histnovsoc
- @histoftech
- @historecipes
- @Historiamagoria
- @HistorianHelen
- @HistorianLaura
- @Historiann
- @Historians
- @historians_
- @historical_iris
- @HistoricalJunky
- @historikat
- @historiographus
- @Historiologist
- @History_Doctor
- @history_geek
- @History_Hub
- @History_Hunters
- @history_punk
- @History_Qld
- @history_uk
- @HistoryandArt
- @HistoryatNmpton
- @HistoryAtSoton
- @historybeagle
- @historyben
- @historyblogging
- @historybyte
- @historycarnival
- @HistoryCarys
- @historychappy
- @HistoryCherry
- @historyeditor
- @historyengland
- @HistoryExtra
- @historyfaculty
- @HistoryFootnote
- @HistoryforGirls
- @HistoryHub_ie
- @historying
- @Historylabplus
- @Historylecturer
- @HistoryLondon
- @historymatt
- @HistoryNed
- @historynibbles
- @HistoryPhysics
- @Historypin
- @historyplot
- @HistoryPodcasts
- @historypods49
- @HistoryPolicy
- @historyreporter
- @HistorySara
- @Historyscape
- @historyscientis
- @HistoryTimes
- @HistoryToday
- @historyvaccines
- @HistoryWarfare
- @HistoryWM
- @HistoryWO
- @historywomble
- @HJBlenkinsop
- @hnetempire
- @HoccleveSociety
- @Hofstra
- @hollyamma
- @HolmesMatthew99
- @homophonous
- @HoughtonLib
- @howardbatey
- @HPS_Vanessa
- @HPSGlonk
- @hpsleeds
- @hrp_palaces
- @HstorySchmstory
- @HstryOrg
- @http://convictionblog
- @http://futurowoman
- @HTTPhistory
- @https://plus.google.com/101922385585806292581
- @HumsPenryn
- @HutchinsCenter
- @hypocras
- @I_W_M
- @I_Weiwei
- @iamjdavidson
- @IanHesketh
- @IanHopkinson_
- @ianmilligan1
- @IdleHistorian
- @idsworth
- @IFPHStuPro
- @igallupd
- @ihr_events
- @ihr_history
- @IHRDigHist
- @IHRHistoryLab
- @IHRModBritHist
- @IllflexMyears
- @illinoistech
- @imaginedreaders
- @immaterial_me
- @Impressionist6
- @inactinique
- @Indiana
- @IndianaHistory
- @indianastate
- @Indicaworld
- @indtwt
- @INHumanities
- @Innerpeffray
- @InsideHistory
- @Internet2
- @InThePastLane
- @irosruiz
- @IsaacLand2
- @isapovea
- @ISCHistory
- @IsisTiberiusCat
- @IUBArchives
- @IUBHistory
- @IWMNorth
- @J_E_Patterson
- @j_goddy
- @j_w_baker
- @JaapGeraerts
- @JacintaWillans
- @jadehalbert
- @jairoamelo
- @jaivirdi
- @james_addicott
- @James11Vernon
- @jamesbriankerr
- @jamesgramwilson
- @jamesposkett
- @Jamespqr77
- @jamiemartin2
- @janbarham
- @JaneAustenLIVES
- @janetedavis
- @jankunnas
- @Janpcim
- @JapanFocus
- @jaredrhall
- @Jarona7
- @JasmineAlinder
- @Jason_M_Kelly
- @JasonAntrosio
- @JasonOyugi
- @JasonWilliams41
- @JasShrink
- @JavaMajor
- @javierarnaut
- @jazbubthomp
- @JBHist
- @jbjhistory
- @jburnford
- @jclarewoods
- @JContHist
- @jdhamblin
- @jdmccafferty
- @JECSjournal
- @JeffreyHyson
- @jeffreysreznick
- @Jencasbros
- @jenguiliano
- @Jenjanofsky
- @JennieGoloboy
- @jenniferbazar
- @JenniferJBishop
- @JenniferVEvans
- @jenny_mcauley
- @jennywedgbury
- @JeremiSuri
- @jeremy_millar_1
- @jeremycyoung
- @Jess_YSteinberg
- @jesscapo
- @JesseRoberts0n
- @JessicaMDeWitt
- @JessicaPClark
- @jessmknapp
- @jessreingold
- @jetblackwings3
- @jfwinters
- @JHUPress
- @JimGrossmanAHA
- @jjcollephemera
- @jliedl
- @jmadelman
- @jmderleth
- @jmh0709
- @jntribolo
- @Joan_E_Redmond
- @JoannaFParr
- @joannakempner
- @JoannaWaugh1
- @Joanne_Paul_
- @JoanneKnowlesUK
- @joannemajor3
- @JoDesignHistory
- @jodiacampbell
- @joekrulder
- @joelgbarnes
- @JoeStubenrauch
- @joetabhistory
- @joewiz
- @JofVictCulture
- @joguldi
- @John__Field
- @john_murphycouk
- @john_overholt
- @john_pether
- @Jonathan_Saha
- @JohnBorghi
- @johnbroom1970
- @JohnCarterWood
- @JohnFea1
- @JohnsHopkins
- @JojoWeis
- @JokeCurran
- @jomac1867
- @Jonathan_Saha
- @jondresner
- @JonVoss
- @josephmerceron
- @JoshColeEd
- @JoshuaRyanSaha
- @JournAmHist
- @jp5morin
- @jraimo
- @jramonvallejo
- @jsantley
- @jshermanroberts
- @JSong88
- @jtheibault
- @JubilateOrch
- @jubrogers
- @jugbaba
- @juliaabelsmith
- @julianwoodford
- @JulieRyanEvents
- @juliesvalastog
- @JustinBengry
- @JustinPollard
- @jwassers
- @jwgn
- @KaraWSwanson
- @KarinESpeedy
- @KarlSteel
- @katebradleykent
- @KateMorant
- @kateweikert
- @Katherine_McDon
- @kathleenmcil
- @katieparker18th
- @katkosior
- @katrinagulliver
- @katrinanavickas
- @katymilligan
- @kaye_jones
- @KazuSamejima
- @kcjameselliott
- @KDPluymers
- @keithramsey
- @keithsgrant
- @kellyhignett
- @KellyLD
- @KentCHOTS
- @kerrityoung
- @kgbaston
- @KH_Bailey
- @KHarveyHistory
- @khkshimabukuro
- @kilderbenhauser
- @KimmoAntila
- @kingshistory
- @kingstongeog
- @KingTekkers
- @KirkGoodlet
- @KitEmert
- @kitsch_and_retro
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