Is There a Correlation between University Health Science and Arts & Humanities Rankings?

I am currently working with a few colleagues on a white paper that examines the role of arts and humanities at health science oriented campuses. One of the first topics with which we are concerning ourselves is the role that arts and humanities play on campuses with leading health science and medical schools. Is there, for example, a correlation between top-ranked health science and medical programs and top-ranked arts and humanities programs?

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Rights-Making and Rights-Taking: A Module on Stonewall and Intersectionality

In the end, I decided to frame rights in the context of "rights-making" and "rights-taking." By "rights-making," I asked the students to reflect on the fact that civil, human, constitutional, etc. rights are always made in a historical context. In practice, rights are never constant. They are negotiated, claimed, and fought for. By "rights-taking," I wanted them to think about how, in these historical contexts, rights are taken (i.e. claimed) by activists or taken away by those with power. Rather than working from a history-of or a taxonomical approach to rights, we would focus on rights as an assemblage of ideas, concepts, social relations, symbolic forms, claims, laws, practices, and materialities in motion.

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Censorship (again), but with an Autocratic Twist

It must be that time of year again. Politicians on the right are lining up to censor history— specifically, what texts can be used in the classroom. And, once again, they’re pulling out their copies of Howard Zinn, shaking them in the air, and decrying writers who challenge their triumphalist versions of U.S. history. This time it’s the president—a person who, I can say with relative confidence, has never read more than a few pull quotes from the book.

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The "Lost Cause" and the "Antebellum Imagination "

In this selection from a module which teaches them about the concept of the “Lost Cause,” I try to help students better understand the overt and subtle ways in which the myth of the “Lost Cause” is embedded in the contemporary cultural milieu. In this section, I have them focus on the “antebellum imagination”—a way of thinking that effaces the history of enslavement and violence and instead imagines a glorious period of great houses, refined manners, and fancy dress.

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Jason Kelly
Understanding Information and Disinformation: An Open Access Module

Central to any historical work is reading, interpreting, and analyzing texts (whether these texts are written, visual, audio, etc.). Because of this, historians have to read texts very closely, sifting for valuable information and clues.

This course module has been created to help students better understand the nature of disinformation, misinformation, and mal-information.

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Open Access Oral History Training Module Now Available

The COVID-19 Oral History Project has teamed up with the Journal of the Plague Year (JOTPY) project to make these oral histories about the experience of COVID-19 available to the public. Among the items created through this collaboration is our Oral History Training Module. The first version of this module is available in Canvas through Indiana University.

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Open Access Article on the Covid-19 Oral History Project in the Oral History Review

This essay, “The COVID-19 Oral History Project: Some Preliminary Notes from the Field” reflects on C19OH as a rapid response oral history project – how the research team conceived and implemented it, both in the field and in the classroom, and how they continue to transform it in response to practical concerns and ethical frameworks.

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Press Coverage of The COVID-19 Oral History Project in the New York Times, Smithsonian Magazine, etc.

The COVID-19 Oral History Project is one of several research projects in which historians and museum curators are collecting stories about the lived experience of COVID-19. This important work is being contextualized by journalists, who see the importance of this archiving work for future generations.

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Introduction to Leaflet.js

This tutorial builds upon our teaching modules that explored Google My Maps and Google Earth. In it, I will introduce Leaflet.js—a javascript-based program for hosting maps on your website.

Leaflet.js is open source and provides quite a bit of functionality that goes beyond the basic features of Google Maps. And, for those who wish to host maps on their own websites, it’s a relatively simple and low-cost option.

In this tutorial, we walk through a series of steps to understand the basics of Leaflet.js. The tutorial provides an example of how to create a basic map using a georectified historical map from MapWarper and a kml layer that we create in Google My Maps.

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Preparing a Historical Map for GIS Systems

This post introduces teachers and students to the process of georectifying maps so that historical maps can be used in programs such a Google Earth, QGIS, and ArcGIS. It provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to find historical maps, georectify them, and output them for use in research and in the classroom.

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Digital Humanities in Promotion and Tenure

As more scholars have engaged in the digital humanities—and as this scholarship has become an increasingly prominent part of promotion and tenure cases—it has become incumbent upon professional organizations and university departments to educate faculty on 1) what we mean by digital humanities and 2) how to evaluate faculty research in the digital humanities.

This post is a brief introduction to the digital humanities (a.k.a. DH) for university faculty whose responsibilities include reviewing promotion and tenure cases.

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